7 Real Life Stories About Trusting God In Difficult Times

Last Updated on June 13, 2024 by Team Lifelords


Stories About Gods: Short Stories About Trusting God In Difficult Times


“The eye through which I see God is the same eye through which God sees me; my eye and God’s eye are one eye, one seeing, one knowing, one love.”

– Meister Eckhart

The Story of God

Real-Life Short Stories About Trusting God In Difficult Times: God has always been there since before the existence of everything. He is our Creator and Savior who guides us in everything we do. Without Him, we will be lost and alone when facing the most challenging obstacles in life.

That’s why getting closer to Him not only helps us become better people but incredibly transforms our lives. Life is full of challenging situations that will test us and make us want to give up. So we must strengthen our faith and trust in God in our darkest moments.

When we worship and trust God it enables, empowers, and invites the Lord to come close and bring His mighty presence in a whole different way than we’ll experience. When we trust God in difficult times, we gain new hope.

Because we remember that God is in control and is working for our good. Like us, if you need a light that will help you through your darkest times, then these ‘short stories about trusting God in difficult times’ are for you.

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1. A Short Story About Trusting God In Difficult Times

Many years ago, I used to feel very tired. So much so that at times I did not feel like eating anything. Many times I couldn’t even sleep at night and the body was also becoming weak day by day. At the insistence of my colleagues, I visited a doctor. He asked me to get some tests done.

A few days later, when I went to see him again, I was deeply shocked to hear what he told me. Darkness loomed before my eyes as I was suffering from colon cancer. The doctor told me that I had this disease for the last 2 or more years. My treatment started.

However, due to financial constraints, the treatment was interrupted several times. It had been 4 years since I got this disease and this cancer had reached an aggressive colon cancer stage-3. Apart from this, some other complications also started arising.

Like metastasis to the lymphatic system, GI disturbance, Low hemoglobin level (between 4–5), and chronic fatigue. I had no money, I thought I was going to go. I had prayed to Jesus several times but no answer.

Anyway, I knew he was listening as he was God’s only son, who came here on this earth for the welfare of common people. I did not doubt that, but I thought he planned to take me home. Anyway, he opened the doors so that I could get surgery.

One day before the surgery he spoke to me in a prophetic dream and promised help and that was enough. He helped me through the process, and 9 years free of cancer. Glory to the Lamb of God! He did not leave me to die.

Courtesy: Lucha

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The Story of God That Will Reshape The Way You See Life

2. A Short Story on How God Can Help You To Get Out of Troubles

I was 22 years old when I tried to give up on my life. I was always religious but I never asked God to help me because emotionally I got so weak that I didn’t even have much strength to ask somebody for help. I know much better what depression looks like because neither my parents were supportive nor my siblings.

They often made fun of my mental health. Also, my friends were too toxic. The guy I liked treated me like I was living in hell. Because I had nobody to love and with no aim or purpose left in my life I decided to suicide. I wrote a note too that no one is responsible for this.

Just 2 days before my scheduled suicide, I was lying in bed looking at the poster of Lord Krishna. I started crying. I asked him ‘Could you please give me just one reason to live? I don’t wanna die.’ But a miracle happened the same day in the evening.

I got an acceptance letter from the University that I couldn’t even imagine. I was 100% sure Krishna did this. I went to his Idol and hugged him. Depression can only be cured by support and Krishna was the one who took me out of that situation.

Today I’m highly successful and everyone calls me that I am so lucky. My parents are also extra polite to me. Though I have respect for everyone in my life, in reality, I only love Krishna.

Whenever I get sad, I cry or get happy, I see only Krishna. It might look like I am getting religious more and more. but I treat Krishna as my best friend who listens and never laughs when I cry.

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3. Those Who Believe In Almighty God Never Go Out of Luck

A king once lost his way in a jungle. A farmer sheltered him and treated him most hospitably. He did not know who his guest was but at the time of departure the king gave him a token embossed with a royal seal and said: “Whenever you are in trouble and need help, come unhesitatingly to the palace with this”.

The farmer was hard working. He did not need any ex gratia help, and with time, the memory of the incident faded away. Once it so happened that the farmer came upon bad days. He remembered the old incident and arrived at the king’s palace.

The royal token was taken by the guards to the king. The king was at that time in his worship room. The farmer was called in there. He saw the king himself praying to God for some favor. Now the farmer’s sense of self-respect awoke.

He thought: “Why ask any person for help when the help of omnipotent God is available to all”? He turned back to go. The king saw him, recognized him, and expressed his keenness to help him.

The farmer said: ‘O king! I had indeed come to ask for help, but now I will approach that very Supreme Authority whom you too invoke.” We all should always bear in mind this candid truth.

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Real-Life Short Stories About Trusting God In Difficult Times

4. An Angel Appears: Short Story of A Person Who Was In Trouble

In 1975, I was 18 years old. One Friday, I went with my friends, Brian and Lou, to New Gretna in South Jersey to visit a friend. The next day, we were going to go target shooting in an area known as the Pine Barrens. It was in November, and we ran into a snowstorm. Then something happened to us that we had never expected even in our dreams.

At about 11 p.m., we were on the last road to get to the home of another friend, Andy, when we ran out of gas. We were stuck on an isolated road for three hours in the biting cold snowstorm. Finally, we saw a truck approaching us. It stopped, and the driver asked if we needed help.

I told him we had run out of gas. “I happen to have five gallons in my truck,” he said. He went around to the back of his truck, got a gas can, and filled up our tank with a few gallons of gasoline. I tried to give him money, but he wouldn’t take it.

He said, “Please, if you see that someone needs help, stop and help them.” I said, “Sure. I would like to fill this gas can up and return it to you. Do you live around here?” He said, “Yes, a mile down this road.” He provided me with the street name and number.

He instructed me to turn right, and it was the third house on the left. He said his name was Frank Gilmore. The next morning, we put gas in a gas can and drove to take it to him. We knew where we had run out of gas, but we couldn’t find the street.

In fact, There wasn’t any street off that road for miles. So we drove to the police station, and they told us no such street existed in New Gretna or in Forked River, the next town over. We looked at each other and said, “He had to be an angel.”

When I got home, I said to my friends, “I will send money to Frank Gilmore in two envelopes—one addressed to New Gretna and one to Forked River.” I did so, and a week later, both came back to me, stamped “Undeliverable.”

That has stayed with me all my life. I always think about it. I could never have expected that God could help me like this in that difficult situation. That experience made me a more caring and giving person.

Courtesy: Joe & Stories of God’s Grace

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5. God Always Hear: A Real Life Story About Having Trust in God

I’ve not seen God but there have been incidents in my life that proved to me that he exists. I lost my sibling a few months ago, and it hit me hard. My sibling was a piece of my soul and I could not get over the tragedy, all I had were suicidal thoughts. I know it’s stupid and cowardly, but I really couldn’t handle it.

The only reason I did not kill myself was for the sake of my parents but that reason seemed to fade as well. I was standing on my Balcony on the 29th floor. I was almost about to jump when I heard a voice call out my name. It sounded sharp and firm saying “Don’t do it Noodles”, step away…

Now noodles was my nickname, my sibling named me noodles and only she called me that. No one else except my family knew this. I thought it was my sibling speaking to me and stopped myself. Another time I was waiting for a cab to come pick me up.

Then I heard the same voice yell “Move, now!!” And the voice was so clear and firm that I obliged and a huge branch came crashing to where I was standing before. Had I not moved, the branch would have hit my head.

Another time when I experienced divine help was when my father had a serious health issue. He was admitted to the ICU and put on a ventilator. Doctors said he wouldn’t make it and I was asked by my family to come visit him.

At that time, I was staying in another country. I dozed off as I had not slept for the last 48 hours. In my dream, I saw my father in the ICU, he woke up, smiled at me, and the same voice I heard all these times.

It said: “He’s going to be fine, don’t worry”. And my father came out of his coma and was completely fine soon!! Now I believe this was my sibling communicating with me with the help of God.

I have no other explanation. Quite a few things have happened other than this and every incident just made me believe in God more!!

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A Wonderful Story About God And His Unconditional Love

6. Our God Answers Every Sincere Prayer of His Devotees

With implicit Faith in the Lord, Sri Yukteswar was planning a religious procession. He asked me to lead the disciples across the town and beach of Puri. But the problem was that the festive day (summer solstice) dawned in intense heat.

So I asked despairingly, “Guruji, how can I take the barefooted students over the fiery sands?” “I will tell you a secret,” Master said. “The Lord shall send an umbrella of clouds: you all shall walk in comfort.”

I happily organized the procession; our group started from the ashram with a Satsang banner. Designed by Sri Yukteswar; it bore the symbol of the single eye, the telescopic gaze of intuition.

No sooner had we left the hermitage than the sky became filled with clouds as though by magic. To the accompaniment of astonished ejaculations from all observers, a light shower fell.

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A Story That Tells Why Should We Have Firm Faith In Him

The rain and the cold wind that accompanied it cooled the city streets and the scorching seashore. I breathed a sigh of relief. The soothing drops descended during the two hours of the parade.

The exact instant at which our group returned to the ashram, the clouds and rain disappeared. “You see how God feels for us”, Master replied after I had expressed my gratitude.

“The Lord responds to all and works for all. Just as He sent rain at my plea, so He fulfills any sincere desire of the devotee. Seldom do men realize how often God Heeds their prayers.”

“He is not partial to a few but listens to everyone who approaches Him trustfully. His children should ever have implicit faith in the loving-kindness of their Omnipresent Father.”

Source: ‘Autobiography of A Yogi’ By Paramhansa Yogananda;
Copyright: Self-Realization Fellowship

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A Story That Shows Why Should You Trust God In Difficult Times

7. God Still Cares Even When There Is No Way To Escape

During World War II, a US marine was separated from his unit on a Pacific Island. The fighting had been intense, and in the smoke and the crossfire he had lost touch with his comrades. Alone in the jungle, he could hear enemy soldiers coming in his direction. He got scared after hearing the sound of death coming towards him.

Scrambling for cover, he found his way up a high ridge to several small caves in the rock. Quickly he crawled inside one of the caves. Although safe for the moment, he realized that once the enemy soldiers looking for him swept up the ridge, they would quickly search all the caves and he would be killed.

As he waited, he prayed: “Lord, if it is your will, please protect me. Whatever your will though, I love and trust you. Amen.” After praying, he lay quietly listening to the enemy begin to draw close… He thought, well I guess the Lord isn’t going to help me out of this one.

Then he saw a spider begin to build a web over the front of his cave. As he watched, listening to the enemy searching for him all the while, the spider layered strand after strand of web across the opening of the cave. Hah, he thought.

What I need is a brick wall and what the Lord has sent me is a spider web. God does have a sense of humor. As the enemy drew closer he watched from the darkness of his hideout. He could see them searching one cave after another.

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Never Ever Doubt The Plans of The Omnipotent Lord

As they came to his, he got ready to make his last stand. To his amazement, however, after glancing in the direction of his cave, they moved on. Suddenly, he realized that with the spider web over the entrance, his cave looked as if no one had entered for quite a while.

Lord, forgive me, prayed the young man. I had forgotten that in you a spider’s web is stronger than a brick wall. We all face times of great trouble. When we do, it is so easy to forget the victories that God would work in our lives, sometimes in the most surprising ways.

Remember: Whatever is happening in your life, with God, a mere spider’s web can become a brick wall of protection. Believe He is with you always and you will see His great power and love for you.

[Received Through Email]

We hope you liked all these real-life stories about trusting God. These short stories tell us why should we all trust God in difficult times. When there is no support left in life, when every hope is breaking, when no one is ready to help you, then faith in God is the only support left for mankind.

This faith is not baseless because His grace has brought out the lives of millions of people from the whirlpool of terrible circumstances. And these few stories are vivid proof of his limitless and selfless generosity.

Feel free to share these real-life stories with your friends and followers to enhance their trust in God.

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“It is the quality of our work which will please God and not the quantity.”

– Mahatma Gandhi

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