15 Random Acts of Kindness Stories To Make You A Better Person

Last Updated on June 2, 2024 by Team Lifelords


Random Acts of Kindness Stories That Will Make You A Better Human Being


“The best parts of a good man’s life is his little, nameless, unremembered acts of kindness and of love.”

– William Wordsworth

Random Acts of Kindness Stories

Famous Random Acts of Kindness Stories: Today I would like to share a collection of heartwarming stories that depict the random act of kindness that I love the most and hope you will certainly like them too. These real stories about kindness show how the simplest acts of kindness can transform our whole life in a moment. These stories tell us clearly that “Service to Humanity is Service to God”.

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1. Acts of Kindness Story: If You Help Others, God Will Help You Also

Swami Krishna Bodhashram, the disciple of Shankaracharya of Jyotirmath (India), remained alive for 120 years. Once he was on a missionary trip to a region that was under the spell of drought. It had not rained there for 4 years at a stretch. The wells and ponds had dried up.

Everyone came to meet him and said, “Revered Swamiji! Please suggest something! He smiled and said, “If good deeds are performed, God will be pleased”.

“What good deeds should we perform?” they asked. He replied, “There is a pond nearby that has very little water. Fishes there are dying. Pour some water in that pond”.

People asked, “We do not have water for ourselves. Where shall we get water for the fishes?”

He told them, “Get it from wherever you can. Get it from the wells and put it in the pond”.

Everyone started pouring water into the pond. Behold! Clouds gathered on the third day. It rained incessantly for a month. The famine – the lack of water, all its scarcity, disappeared.

Moral of The Story: Remember! there is no religion superior to the religion of serving the needy. A virtuous deed can indeed perform miracles.

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2. A Kindness Story: Better To Invite Loss For Yourself Than To Others

During British rule in India, one military officer accompanied by some soldiers came to a village in search of grass for the horses. The officer requested one farmer to take him to a field having good crops. The farmer took him forward.

Even though the officer pointed out good fields on the way, the farmer continued advancing stating that there were better fields ahead. After covering a long distance he pointed out a field which was nearly dry for cutting the grass.

When the officer grumbled that they had traveled in vain a long distance leaving behind rich fields, the farmer replied,

“I knew well that you are not going to pay anything for the grass so why should I show the fields of others and cause them loss? This field is mine. It is better to invite loss for myself than to others.”

Moral of The Story: It is better to bear the calamity yourself than to cause trouble to the innocent.

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A Very Heart-touching Story on Random Acts of Kindness

3. How Did A Compassionate Man Help A Poor Boy

An ordinarily dressed man with an apparently gifted personality was walking by. A boy who was standing by the roadside hesitantly approached him to plead for some money. That distinguished citizen said, “Son! This is your age for studies. Why are you begging?”

The boy said with a heavy heart, “My mother is ill. My younger brother is hungry. Since yesterday, none of us has even had a grain of food. My father expired a year ago. I am in desperate condition and hence I am pleading with you”.

That gentleman gave him some money to take care of the medicines and food for about a week, noted the boy’s address, and said, “Let me arrange something”.

He went to the boy’s house himself and personally saw and verified that everything the boy said was indeed true. He then tore a piece of paper, wrote something on it, and gave it to the boy.

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How The King Helped The Little Guy Anonymously

The gentleman said to the boy, “Whenever the doctor arrives, just give him this letter” and then left. The boy brought home a doctor. When the doctor arrived and read the note, he had tears in his eyes.

He said, “Sister! King George II himself had come to your house. He has written that the best arrangements be made for your treatment and sufficient funds be arranged for you.”

The mother uttered, “The people of a country that has such a kind king, can never have any difficulties!”

King George II used to frequently roam around in ordinary clothes. It is said that not a single person in his kingdom was sad.

Moral of The Story: Mercy is the voice of God and Kind people are the best kind of people.

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4. A Story About Kindness That’ll Make You A Better Person

A Heart-Touching Story That Can Change Your Life

This incident is of the year 2018. There was a marriage of a girl in our nearby village. I and my friend wandered into the wedding ceremony without any invitation. There was a wedding procession for the groom. It was being well received and the people of the bride’s side had made proper arrangements for food and drink according to their status.

The groom was waiting for the bride in the Mandap. I was watching all the programs silently when suddenly a middle-aged man asked me, “Son, have you got the meal or not? I lied politely, “No Uncle, I’ve not.”

A gentleman sitting next to him said, “He has not eaten anything. I have been watching him for a long time, he is standing like this.” That middle-aged uncle brought food for and despite my refusal, he requested me to have a meal.

I started to consume the meal slowly but I was afraid that someone might say that I was having lunch without the invitation. After finishing my meal, I felt that a father was making arrangements for the marriage of his daughter with his hard-earned money.

It may be his whole life’s wealth and I am the stupid one who returned back after having a free meal. After coming home, I could not sleep the whole night thinking about this. The next day, after waking up in the morning, I finished my daily chores.

Then I got ready, started the car and reached the bank. After withdrawing money from the bank, I went to meet the girl’s father and shyly told him the story of the previous day.

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How The Boy Helped The Poor Old Man

And after listening to me, he said with a heart-warming smile that the real guests are those who come uninvited. He expressed happiness on my arrival and at that moment, I decided that I would give him the 51,000 Rupees as a gift which I had withdrawn from the bank.

At first, he could not believe me because 51,000 is a big amount, no man can give so much money to anyone just like that. But when I reiterated my statement, at first, he refused a lot, but after I forced him, he accepted the money.

With tear-filled eyes, he blessed me a lot and said, “Son, you are an angel! I don’t know how to thank you. I could never ever think even in my dreams that God would help me like this. I had taken a loan from the bank for my daughter’s marriage.

I was worried about how I would repay the bank loan. But now this money would help me a lot in repaying the bank loan. Seeing the glow of happiness on his face, I cannot express in words how relieved I felt at that time.

That day I felt that my uninvited participation in that wedding proved worthwhile. Maybe it is not a coincidence but I thanked God that He made me capable enough to help a needy father. I am happy that God has given me the wisdom to help someone.

Moral of The Story: Always remember – kind deeds do not cost much, yet they accomplish much.

Read More Stories on Kindness Here:

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3 Stories About Helping Others As Humanity Is Still Alive

3 Real Life Inspiring Stories That Touched Heart

4 Charity Stories To Serve The Mankind In A Better Way

“Kindness is the language which the deaf can hear and the blind can see.”

– Anonymous

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